Last updated
Euno's Bigquery integration supports auto-discovery of:
Bigquery views
Query statistics for usage information by Tableau and Thoughtspot
Bigquery is Google Cloud Platform's flagship analytical data platform. In Bigquery, data is stored in tables and views. Each table or view belongs to one Bigquery dataset, and each dataset belong to a Google Cloud Platform (GCP) Project. A GCP Project can have no datasets, one dataset, or more.
To discover Bigquery resources, Euno executes queries on the system-defined, read-only dynamic INFORMATION_SCHEMA. In Bigquery, a query runs under one Project, and can access tables and views of other Projects. In other words, there is no constraint that a query must run in some project P in order to query for tables in views in project P.
Euno utilizes this fact to allow users to configure the project under which to run queries, called execution project, and separately configure which GCP projects Euno should discover, called discovered projects.
To sum up:
execution project - the GCP Project under which Euno's integration will execute queries
discovered projects - the list of GCP Projects for which Euno's integration will discover resources
To set up Euno's Bigquery integration, complete the following stages:
Create a GCP Service Account, and a GCP Service Account key
Assign roles/permissions to the GCP Service Account to allow it to run queries on the execution project
Assign roles/permissions to the GCP Service Account to allow it access to all the discovered projects
Configure Euno's Bigquery integration
Browser to GCP's console IAM configuration. Make sure the selected project is the execution project.
Under "New principals", enter the email address of the service account from stage 1
Under "Assign Roles", click the "select a role"
Locate the project "BigQuery", and pick the role "BigQuery User" (the technical identifier of this role is roles/bigquery.user
Click "Save"
For each discovered project, complete these steps
Browser to GCP's console IAM configuration. Make sure the selected project is the discovered project.
Under "New principals", enter the email address of the service account from stage 1
Under "Assign Roles", click the "select a role"
Locate the project "BigQuery", and pick the role "BigQuery Metadata Viewer" (the technical identifier of this role is roles/bigquery.metadataViewer
Click "Save"
TODO - steps
Integration Configuration
Asterik (*) means a mandatory field.
Service Account Key*
Paste the service account key here
Execution Project ID
The id of the GCP project used as execution project. If not specified, Euno will use the project under which the Service Account is defined.
Query Location
The BigQuery Location to run the queries under.
Discovered Projects
TODO - allow deny list of projects
Discover Views
Check this box to have Euno discover BigQuery views. Defaults to "true".
Discover dataset labels as meta
Discover table labels as meta
The Euno-BigQuery integration discovers various resources including GCP projects, datasets, and views. For detailed information about discovered resources and their properties, see
Check this box to have Euno discover as meta
for BigQuery datasets. Defaults to "true".
Check this box to have Euno discover as meta
for BigQuery datasets. Defaults to "true".