Data Application Workflows

Euno supports several workflows to keep you LookML definitions in-sync with your dbt models and semantic models.

Optimizing PR Management for Looker

To optimize PR management for Looker and effectively handle data application sync, consider the following workflows:


  1. Commit Directly to Production Branch: Simplify the workflow by allowing direct commits to your Looker production branch. This approach speeds up the deployment process and reduces unnecessary steps.

  2. Manual Review of dbt Changes: Conduct thorough manual reviews after each dbt change that triggers a sync, before merging the LookML changes into the production branch. This ensures that only validated and high-quality changes are incorporated.

  3. Independent LookML Review: Separate the review process for LookML changes from dbt changes:

    • Sync to a Dedicated Branch: Establish a dedicated branch specifically for accumulating changes. This branch serves as a staging area where ongoing developments can be consolidated.

    • Maintain Persistent PR: Keep a persistent Pull Request (PR) open for the dedicated branch. This PR serves as a central location for tracking and managing ongoing changes, promoting transparency and collaboration.

    • Periodic Review and Merge: Designate a responsible team member to periodically review all accumulated changes in the dedicated branch. Merge these changes incrementally based on predefined milestones or schedules to ensure systematic integration.

    • Regular Integration to Main: Implement a consistent schedule for integrating changes from the dedicated branch into the main branch (e.g., master). This ensures that updates are synchronized across the system and aligned with deployment objectives.

These structured approaches not only optimize PR management for Looker but also improve the overall efficiency and effectiveness of handling data application synchronization processes.

Last updated