Example of Full EQL Statements
The below examples are to help demonstrate how EQL can be used to query resources in Euno’s data model using the common model properties. The logical, comparison, date/time, string, map, and relationship operations make EQL a flexible and powerful query language for exploring complex data relationships.
Example 1
Filter Request: Find all dbt models that depend on dbt sources in the salesforce database schema.
EQL Statement: type="dbt_model" AND has upstream((type='dbt_source' AND database_schema='raw'), 1)
Example 2
Filter Request: Find Looker dashboards in the sales folder that depend on a specific Snowflake table.
EQL: type = 'looker_dashboard' AND parent_container_name='sales' AND has upstream(uri= 'snowflake.abc12345.us-west-2.prod.salesforce.opportunities')
Example 3
Filter Request: Identify dbt measures defined on dbt models with the tag 'euno-auto-generated' in tags.
EQL: type = 'dbt_measure' AND has parent((type='dbt_model' AND 'euno-auto-generated' in tags in tags), 1)
Example 4
Filter Request: List Looker looks with no dependency on any dbt model.
EQL: type = 'looker_look' AND NOT has upstream(type='dbt_model')
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