โ๏ธAccount Settings
Account Settings Screen
The Account Settings screen is where all the accountโs integrations are managed, and where the accountโs operation logs are displayed. The screen has two tabs; Integrations, and the Operations Log.
The Integrations tab is where all the integrations are managed and displayed (see image below).
The account settings screen's operations log tab exhibits a comprehensive list of associated account operations such as build processing, data synchronization, and crawlers, along with the corresponding status of each operation. Users have the option to choose a particular operation to access detailed logs for additional information. This screen proves valuable for troubleshooting and providing explanations to customer success regarding any issues.
In the event of an operational failure, an email will be sent to the owner of the project associated with the failure. If the failure is for an account wide operation, the failure notification will be sent to the account admin.
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